1.5 Litre
Perfect for smaller jobs or spot treatment applications. Genuine Viton® seals, weighted dip tube, integrated pressure relief valve and includes multiple nozzles.
8 Litre
Durable and efficient with genuine Viton® seals, reinforced PVC hose, extra long 25″ (635mm) stainless steel wand with poly liner, tear-drop design and multiple nozzles included.
15Litre Backpack
Extra comfort backpack harness with lumbar support. Efficient, no leak and easy repair. Genuine Viton® seals and multiple nozzles including 25PSI pressure regulator.
8 Litre Battery
Versatile battery powered sprayer eliminates the need for pumping. Can spray up to 90 litres per charge. Reinforced PVC hose and extra long 635mm stainless steel wand with poly liner and tear-drop design and multiple nozzles included. Premium shoulder strap included
15 Litre Battery Backpack
Extra comfort backpack harness with lumbar support. Efficient no leak and easy repair. Genuine Viton® seals, reinforced PVC hose, extra long 25″ (635mm) stainless steel wand with poly liner. No pumping required using an 18 volt battery. Up to 4 hours of spray duration on a single charge or 190 litres of liquid. Impact resistant battery compartment keeps the battery concealed and away from liquid that may cause damage.
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